Master Your Destiny

all that you have is your soul

Self-esteem Series (13 of 13) “The Celebration of Life”

By practicing an “Attitude of Gratitude,” we evolve to a place where we appreciate the miracles most people take for granted.  We realize we are blessed and are thankful for it.

By becoming our own best friend, we develop respect for our being, and come to believe we do deserve success and happiness, stopping our need to self-sabotage.

By accepting responsibility for our lives, we become pro-active and reclaim power over our destiny.

By living consciously, we embrace reality, awaken to problems, learn to formulate solutions, and no longer exist in fear.

By refusing to allow others to abuse us, we develop respect for and nurture those best parts of ourselves.

By practicing forgiveness, we release ourselves from bondage and fear and allow ourselves to reconnect to others.

By discovering who we are and celebrating our differences, we learn to take joy in our own humanity.

By integrating our values, beliefs, standards, and convictions with our behavior, we become human beings instead of human doings and validate our self-worth.  We take pride in our own functioning and honor life for the incredible gift that it is.

Our self-esteem IS our destiny.  And by developing our self-esteem, we change our beliefs from self-defeating to self-empowering.  We gain power over our lives and direction over our destiny.  Our lives become our own and enhance the quality of our relationships to others and to God.  In short, we fulfill what we were meant to be.

Let’s just pretend for a moment – let’s make believe.  What if you can have a life beyond your wildest dreams – a life of happiness – contentment – a life of serenity and well-being – wouldn’t it be worth taking a chance?  Wouldn’t it be worth making the effort?  Only you have the power.

Self-esteem IS a “self” – “fulfilling” prophesy.  Take the time – make the effort to fulfill yourself.

July 6, 2011 Posted by | Addiction, Personal Development, Recovery, self-help | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment